Terms & Conditions
Deposit & Payment: Clients can pay by Wire Transfer, American Express, MasterCard, Visa via paypal.
A 50% Deposit will be due at the time of booking. Total payment is due 30 days prior to departure.
Cancellations & Refunds: Cancellations received more than 60 days prior to departure: all monies will be refunded less $100/person. Within 60 to 45 days of departure the refund is less $200/person. Cancellations received within 30 days of departure will not be refunded, plus any non-recoverable costs from airlines, hotels and any other service suppliers. There are no refunds for unused portions of a land package. Unused airline ticket refunds will comply with the particular airline's policy.
Exceptional additional charges: Once payment is made to PatagoniaPoint for a confirmed reservation, any booking changes incur a $50/change charge above the cost of the trip.
Package rates: Our arrangements and other services included in this brochure are not offered at net. Prices include the costs for research, development; communication, administration and operations; plus agent commissions.
Travel limitations: The exertive nature of skiing and other active sports should be avoided by unconditioned travelers of all ages, those with impaired physical conditions and/or health problems. PatagoniaPoint, their agents and all other suppliers cannot be held responsible if the traveler incurs an injury while participating in an activity and/or is unable to fully participate in activities due to limitations of health, age or physical abilities. All travelers engaged in strenuous physical activities do so at their own risk and relinquish any and all rights whatsoever to make claims for any damages due to injuries sustained during such activities. You are required to carry your own travel insurance.
Responsibility: PatagoniaPoint only as an agent for transportation companies in all matters relating to transportation whether by plane, motorcoach, steamship, railroad, car, or any other means; and agent for travel service companies and suppliers in all matters relating to arrangements for tour components such as hotel accommodations, sports participation, sightseeing, entertainment, and other tour features. PatagoniaPoint maintains no control over personnel, equipment or operations of these travel service suppliers, can assume no responsibility and cannot be held liable for lack of snow, non-operation of ski lifts, personal injury, property damage/loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or any other irregularity from whatever cause during trip. PatagoniaPoint strongly recommends clients purchasing trip cancellation, accident and baggage insurance. PatagoniaPoint reserves the right to change tour itineraries and any tour components whenever deemed necessary. All rates are based on those in effect at the time of printing and are subject to change.
INDEMNIFICATION AND DAMAGES . I agree to indemnify, defend and hold PP, its afficiliates and associates harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages, judgment, costs (including attorney's fees) or other matters asserted by a third party relating to or arising from my failure to adhere to the Code or any other act of negligence or willful conduct on my part.
Insurance: Each passenger is required to provide its own travel insurance. PatagoniaPoint is not liable nor expresses any guaranty towards weather conditions and operations that due to unforseeable events or Acts Of God.
Our cancellation and refund policies are absolute. We highly recommend travel insurance for all of our guests. Travel insurance covers you for unexpected cancellations, injuries, lost or stolen luggage and more. It is a very in-expensive price to ensure your trips success.
Learn more about the insurance available from Travelguard: TravelGuard.com